So after we ended our time in Sydney, it was time for Robbie's folks to go back to the US. We debated back and forth about what the next step should be. We had a few more WWOOF spots lined up but we were pretty sure they couldn't top our last experience at Ironbark Grange. Besides, we had spent over a month sleeping in the back of our car and peeing at rest stops. We were ready to put some roots down, so to speak.
We discovered that we could afford to get an apartment and hunker down for the rest of our trip. So, we made our way to Melbourne and moved into a flat. We have four flatmates: Nathan (from Australia), Peter & Amanda (from Vancouver, Canada) and Yusuf (from Mauritius). Our place is very nice and get this: we have our own bathroom! Yippppeeeeeee!
We've loved having time to sleep, think, and dream. We've loved going to the beach and getting to know our flatmates. We even sold our car to the lovely Canadians we live with - amazing! The travel Gods have bestowed their blessings upon us. Melbourne is definitely one of the coolest cities we've ever been to. It's artsy yet down to earth. It's cheaper and less glamorous than Sydney. The architecture is incredible. There are lots of free things to do and it's always bustling with people...street goers...people from all over the world.We arrived right before the holidays so the city was decked out in Christmas garb. It was so strange to experience the holiday season in 80 degree weather and shorts. Here are some pictures of Melbourne during our first weeks exploring the city:

Robbie relaxing in Federation Square

The Metro

A great little cafe in Fitzroy
A beautiful flower cart on Swanston St.

Gorgeous sunset downtown Melbourne (it was 101 degrees that day!)
Multi-colored beach shacks on Brighton Beach (a 30 minute train ride from our flat)
That's it for now. We only have four weeks left in Melbourne until we come back to the US. It's incredible how fast it's gone. Six months really does fly by.