After the rainforest adventure in cape trib, we went on a road trip to Brisbane and covered about 2,000 kilometers (over 1,200 miles)! The entire time we spent camping out of our car in national parks or at free overnight rest stops. We bought a road atlas that showed us where the overnight camping spots were, so each morning we'd pick a destination on the map and drive. Here are some pictures of what we saw along the way...

The Boulders National Park

The Biggest Mango in Australia (that's Robbie on the left)
Koalas at the Rockhampton Zoo

Rainbow Falls at Springbrook National Park
Incredible Beach at Byron Bay (such an amazing town, it deserves its own post)
I'll post more soon, but that's it for now. Today is Boxing Day in Australia which is pretty much the same thing as Black Friday after Thanksgiving in the states (i.e. people trampling each other in the effort to save $20 on a TV). Thanks, but no thanks. Yesterday, on Christmas Day, we went to see the movie The Tourist with Angelina Jolie and Johnny Depp (stupid but surprisingly entertaining) and went out for Vietnamese food. A very un-Christmas, but merry just the same. Merry Christmas, everyone!
Merry Christmas and Happy New Year to both of you! We miss you so much but look forward to hearing more about your adventure. Love you, Mom