May 8, 2010

Why a blog?

Hello, friend! Thank you for visiting my blog. Perhaps you, like me, are doing a little bit of soul searching and are curious about what this whole "life" thing is all about? For me, it all began one morning on my way to work. I had recently graduated from college. I had just bought a new couch with my hard-earned money from my first real big girl job. At first, I felt a deep sense of pride that I had arrived - I mean, I was spending a substantial amount of cash on a couch of all things! Just a few short months before, I would have taken that cash and probably spent it as quickly as possible at Target. Obviously, I had become a competent "adult"! Isn't that what adults do? Commute, work, eat, commute again, eat again, sleep and spend that money on things like couches? But quickly my sense of pride turned into an nagging feeling that something wasn't right. I wasn't happy. I wasn't fulfilled. I started questioning everything (what's the point of all of this? what is it all for? why am I here?) which caused an enormous amount of anxiety at first. Eventually, I resolved that a capitalist existence wasn't going to be enough. I needed to do some serious soul searching. Since then, I've been on a mission of sorts. I'm learning (painfully slow most times) how to love the journey and it's turning out to be a great one. Enjoy. Leave a comment (sarcastic humor is always welcome). I'm glad you're here.

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